How do I apply for an internship?

To express your interest in an internship, please submit your request a minimum of one semester prior to the actual semester of interest by sending the following to the Laboratory Director at the lab location of interest:

  1. CV/resume AND
  2. A cover letter expressing your area of interest including project idea, current degree program, academic/professional letter of reference and the dates you are requesting to conduct your internship
  3. If you are seeking an internship for academic credit, provide information regarding your college’s requirements, expectations and contact information for the appropriate college representative

Once all required information has been received by the appropriate Laboratory Director, it will be screened to ensure the candidate meets the criteria (see qualifications FAQ above). If the request can be accommodated, the Laboratory Director will consult with others within the Department to identify a mentor and determine if your project idea aligns with the Department’s mission or if a suitable project is available.

Laboratory Director contact information: