DFS Policy Notices Chronologically

DFS Policy Notices

The Department of Forensic Science periodically disseminates policy notifications to all agencies served. Such notifications can be found below.

Please note that the notices are provided in chronological order. Therefore, the contact information on older notices may be out of date. Please use the Contact Us page for current contact information.

For notices regarding Section Workloads, click here.

Policy Notices 

Notice – Removal of DNA Typing Results Tables from DFS Certificates of Analysis – July 1, 2024

Notice – New DFS Process for DNA Data Bank Profile Inquiries – June 5, 2024

Notice – Presumptive Field Tests in Virginia – February 17, 2024

Notice – Return of Evidence Relating to the Post‐Conviction DNA Testing Project – July 17, 2023

Notice – Updated Submission Policy for Marijuana, Including Food Products – June 29, 2023

Notice – Next Generation Identification (NGI) Palm Print Database Search Results – June 12, 2023

Notice – Notification of New Regional Laboratory Directors – June 1, 2023

Notice – DFS Field Test Approval – March 16, 2023

Notice – DFS Field Test Approvals January 30, 2023

Notice – Resumption of DUI/DUID Kit Supply – October 17, 2022

Notice – Impact of Short Supply of Blood Specimen Collection Tubes for DUI/DUID kitsSeptember 14, 2022

Notice – Updated Submission Policy for Cannabis sativa Plant Material – July 1, 2022 (superseded by notice on June 29, 2023)

Notice – Revised Packaging Requirements for submissions of Powdered Substances – June 7, 2022

Notice – Changes to Marijuana Field Test Regulatory Approval and Updated Submission Policy for Cannabis sativa Plant Material – April 12, 2022

Notice – STRmixTM Statistical Capabilities for DNA Mixtures – December 27, 2021

Notice – Implementation of Quantitative Method for THC and Updated Submission Policy for Cannabis sativa Plant Material – August 19, 2021

Notice – New Digital & Multimedia Mobile Device Capabilities – July 20, 2021

Notice – New NIBIN Case Acceptance Policy June 17, 2021

Notice – New Packaging Requirements for Firearms and Ammunition Submissions – May 6, 2021

Notice – Reported Measurement Uncertainty for Controlled Substances THC Purity Determinations – May 4, 2021

Notice – Impact of Shortage of DNA Testing Supplies on Forensic Biology Case ProcessingMarch 22, 2021

DFS Policy Change – Latent Print Database (AFIS/NGI) Search Results February 10, 2021

DFS Policy Change – Locations Used in Automatic NIBIN Searching -December 7, 2020

DFS Policy Change – Reinstitution of the DFS Policy Requiring a Court Order for Analysis in Simple Possession of Marijuana Cases – June 23, 2020

DFS Policy Change – Use of Paint Cans for Trace Evidence Submissions (Fire Debris/Ignitable Liquid Analysis) – June 10, 2020

DFS Policy Change – Implementation of Semi-Quantitative Method for Cannabis sativa Plant Material and Rescission of DFS Policy Requiring Court Order for Analysis in Simple Possession of Marijuana Cases – January 24, 2020 (Updated on June 23, 2020)

DFS Policy Change – Revised Procedure for Methamphetamine Purity Determinations – January 6, 2020

DFS Policy Change – Resubmission of Latent Prints for Continued NGI Searching From Pre-2013 Unsolved Cases – November 5, 2019

DFS Policy Change – Notice Regarding Marijuana Field Tests and Changes to the Department’s Analytical and Reporting Scheme for Marijuana and Marijuana Byproducts – May 23, 2019

DFS Policy Change – NIBIN Potential Association Notification – March 11, 2019

DFS Policy Change – Automated Results for Digital & Multimedia Examinations – March 11, 2019

DFS Policy Change – Administrative Sampling Plan for NIBIN Searches – October 15, 2018

Notice of DFS Temporary Closure – September 11, 2018

DFS Revised – Expanded NIBIN Search Areas, Changes to Toolmark and Distance Determination Submission Policies – April 2, 2018

DFS Revised Controlled Substances Submission and Weighing Policies – December 1, 2017

DFS Policy Notice – “Trace” DNA Submission Policy Revised – June 9, 2017

Notes: “Trace” DNA was previously referred to as “Touch” DNA.

DFS Policy Notice – Triaging of Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) Testing to Expedite Analysis – March 29, 2017

DFS Policy Change – New DUI Law and Corresponding Revisions to Process for Handling Blood Samples in Search Warrant DUI Cases – March 16, 2017

Revisions to Collection Time Periods for Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) Samples – effective September 16, 2016

DFS Policy Change – Revised Reporting Practices for Previously Unidentified Latent Prints with Subsequent Potential Identification through AFIS – effective June 15, 2016

DFS Policy Change – DUI/DUID Testing Protocol for Blood Samples in Implied Consent Cases – effective May 31, 2016

DFS Policy Change – NIBIN Association Reporting – effective July 9, 2015

Service Restoration Notices 

Restoration of Trace Evidence Services in Explosives and Primer Residue (Gun Shot Residue) – effective July 1, 2016

Restoration of Video Analysis Services – effective June 23, 2015

Service Reduction Notices 

Elimination of Questioned Documents Services – effective October 14, 2016

Reduction of Trace Evidence Services – effective November 5, 2014 (services partially restored on July 1, 2016)

Reduction of Forensic Photography Services – effective November 4, 2014

Reduction of Digital and Multimedia Evidence Services – effective November 4, 2014 (services partially restored on June 23, 2015)

Evidence Submission Policies

Revised Marijuana Submission Policy – dated October 22, 2014, rescinded by policy above dated January 24, 2020

Submission Policy for Safe Packaging of Syringes – effective April 17, 2013

Submission Policy for Familial DNA Searching – effective March 9, 2011

Submission Policy for Drug Residues – effective July 1, 2005